China’s race for resources fueled by Xi Jinping’s financial superpower ambition.

February 6, 2024
1 min read


China’s top provincial economies are seeking to expand and diversify their financial resources to fuel their development and support President Xi Jinping’s goal of turning the country into a financial superpower. Provinces like Jiangsu, Henan, and Sichuan have outlined plans to introduce more financial institutions and attract foreign financial institutions to fund local construction projects and boost the broader financial ecosystem. However, analysts warn that this rush for financing could contradict Beijing’s de-risking campaign due to ongoing property and local-government debt crises. While financial resources remain crucial for China’s investment-driven growth, local authorities should prioritize financial risk control over transaction volumes and deposits to build effective financial systems.

Key points:

  • China’s major provincial economies, including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, and Sichuan, are seeking to expand and diversify their financial resources to support their development plans.
  • The provinces aim to introduce more financial institutions to fund local construction efforts and add value to the financial ecosystem through diverse services and support.
  • Jiangsu plans to facilitate the flow of capital into the real economy to resolve local debt risks and meet financing needs of state-owned and private real estate firms.
  • Henan aims to attract foreign financial institutions to provide additional financing for the local manufacturing industry.
  • Sichuan seeks to build itself into a financial epicenter for the region, with a larger share of the provincial GDP contributed by the sector.
  • Analysts express concerns that the rush for financial resources at the local level may jeopardize Beijing’s de-risking campaign amid property and local-government debt crises.
  • The provinces need funding to facilitate industrial transformations and upgrades, but they should avoid a copycat model and prioritize financial risk control.
  • China is expected to loosen its monetary stance to support economic recovery, with banks extending a record high of 22.75 trillion yuan in new loans last year.
  • Financial authorities are likely to announce higher local bond quotas to provide another important source of financing for local construction projects.

Despite the goals of these provincial economies to expand their financial resources, analysts warn that they must prioritize financial risk control and avoid excessive reliance on transaction volumes and deposits. The ongoing property and local-government debt crises pose significant threats to the financial system and could be exacerbated if local initiatives prioritize quantity over effectiveness. Meanwhile, China’s central government is expected to loosen its monetary stance to support economic recovery, and higher local bond quotas will provide additional financing options for local construction projects. Overall, the challenge for these provinces will be striking a balance between economic development and financial risk management.

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