City’s finance director plans to overhaul office operations for efficiency.

February 22, 2024
1 min read

Summary of Mansfield City Council Meeting


  • New Finance Director Kelly Blankenship wants to restructure the finance department for better efficiency.
  • Council approves budget allocation of $50,000 for finance department restructure and accepts $25,000 from Domino’s Pizza for snowplowing.

The Mansfield City Council recently approved a budget allocation of $50,000 to help the new Finance Director, Kelly Blankenship, restructure the finance department. Blankenship presented her plans to reorganize the department to council members, emphasizing the need for clearly defined roles for employees and a more efficient division of labor. She highlighted the current chaotic situation in the office, with some employees overworked and others underutilized.

Blankenship’s proposal included new job titles and relevant job descriptions to create a better foundation for the department’s operations. Council members praised her meticulous planning and thorough presentation of her restructuring plans. The council also accepted a $25,000 grant from Domino’s Pizza for the “Plowing for Pizza” program, aimed at assisting with snowplowing efforts in the city.

During the meeting, various routine business matters were also addressed and approved by the council. This included allocating funds for design work in the West End Target Area, ongoing municipal building renovations, bridge repair, and appointments to various commissions and boards.

Overall, the council meeting saw significant developments in the finance department’s restructuring efforts, as well as community partnerships for snowplowing assistance and other ongoing projects within the city.

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