Crypto Carib: Hotter Than Davos!

January 26, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: Crypto leaders are beginning to turn their attention away from events like the World Economic Forum in Davos and towards conferences in the Caribbean. Last week, two major fintech and DeFi conferences were held in the Bahamas and Barbados, attracting industry leaders and founders from around the world. The conferences highlighted the potential for growth and innovation in emerging markets, particularly in the Caribbean region. One key focus of the conferences was the role of digital payments and remittances, with companies like CellPay leading the way in developing new solutions for the Caribbean. The Central Bank of Haiti has also been working to modernize its payment infrastructure and is considering the development of a central bank digital currency. EMTECH, a leading fintech company, announced a partnership with Kanoo Pays to build the next generation of digital infrastructure in Africa and the Caribbean.

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