Expert reveals ‘rich people’ trick to deduct your dog from taxes.

February 22, 2024
1 min read

Summary of Finance Article


  • A finance expert reveals that wealthy individuals can write off expenses related to their dogs on their taxes.
  • By classifying the dog as a ‘service to the business,’ costs like pet food and vet visits can be deducted.

A US finance expert, Issachar Lee, shared a hack used by wealthy individuals to write off expenses related to their dogs on their taxes. By classifying the dog as a ‘service to the business,’ costs like pet food, vet visits, and guard-dog attire can be deducted. Lee emphasized the importance of keeping records of the dog’s work hours, service provided to the business, and maintenance expenses. This method can help dog owners save money while also benefiting their businesses.

Personal finance advice, including creative tax strategies like this, is gaining popularity on social media platforms. As demonstrated by Lee and other influencers like Vivian Tu, sharing financial tips and tricks can help individuals make the most of their money.

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