Got financial questions? Tune in to Ask the Expert: Part 2.

February 5, 2024
1 min read


  • Max Credit Union Financial Advisor Ken Peavy answers financial questions in this segment.
  • Peavy advises on topics such as saving for retirement, managing debt, and budgeting.

Financial expert Ken Peavy from Max Credit Union returns to answer more financial questions in this segment. Peavy covers a range of topics, including saving for retirement, managing debt, and budgeting.

One of the key points Peavy emphasizes is the importance of starting early when it comes to saving for retirement. He suggests that individuals start saving as soon as they start working, even if it’s just a small amount per paycheck. This ensures that they have a solid foundation for their retirement savings and can take advantage of compound interest over time.

Peavy also addresses concerns about managing debt. He advises individuals to prioritize paying off high-interest debts, such as credit card debt, before focusing on lower-interest debts like student loans. By tackling high-interest debts first, individuals can save money on interest payments and free up more income to put towards other financial goals.

Another topic Peavy covers is budgeting. He encourages individuals to create a budget that includes both fixed expenses, such as rent and utilities, and variable expenses, such as groceries and entertainment. By tracking their expenses and sticking to a budget, individuals can better manage their finances and avoid overspending.

In addition to these key points, Peavy also touches on topics such as emergency funds, retirement account options, and the importance of regularly reviewing and adjusting financial plans. He emphasizes the value of seeking professional advice and taking advantage of resources such as financial advisors and online tools.

In conclusion, Ken Peavy provides valuable insights and advice on various financial topics in this segment. Whether it’s saving for retirement, managing debt, or budgeting, Peavy offers practical tips and recommendations to help individuals improve their financial wellbeing. It’s never too early to start taking control of your finances and making informed decisions about your money.

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