Hong Kong’s Green Fintech Gets Boost with New Subsidy Program

January 26, 2024
1 min read


– Hong Kong is launching a new subsidy scheme to support green fintech companies.
– The scheme will offer early-stage funding to pre-commercialized green fintech firms.

Hong Kong’s government is launching a new subsidy scheme to support green fintech companies. The scheme will provide early-stage funding for pre-commercialized green fintech companies in an effort to promote sustainable finance and environmentally friendly technologies. Salina Yan, a Hong Kong official, announced the scheme, which aims to boost the development of green finance in the region. The subsidy scheme aims to incentivize the creation of new green fintech solutions and encourage sustainable financial practices. The move is part of Hong Kong’s broader efforts to position itself as a leading hub for green finance in Asia. The government hopes that the scheme will attract more green fintech firms to Hong Kong and foster innovation in the sector. The subsidy scheme is expected to launch later this year and will be administered by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). The government has not yet released details about the size and structure of the subsidies, but it is expected to provide funding for early-stage development and commercialization of green fintech products and services. Hong Kong has been actively promoting green finance in recent years and has set a target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The city has established various initiatives to support the development of green finance, including the Green Finance Certification Scheme and the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group.

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