Money Talk: Breaking Taboos for a Cash-Tastic Future

January 16, 2024
1 min read


– According to a research study conducted by The FQ in partnership with Wells Fargo, there is a confidence gap when it comes to men and women discussing their money and personal finances. Men are more likely to talk to a financial professional about their financial health, while women are also more likely to say they don’t talk to anyone about it.
– Women need to educate themselves about finances, pay off debt, have an emergency fund, and share their numbers with their partners in order to be bolder with their money.

Women generally shy away from discussing money and personal finances due to fear and lack of knowledge, according to a research study conducted by The FQ in partnership with Wells Fargo. The study found that men are more likely to talk to a financial professional about their financial health, while women are more hesitant and avoid discussing the topic altogether. Women need to educate themselves about finances, pay off debt, have an emergency fund, and share financial information with their partners to be bolder with their money and close the confidence gap. By discussing money openly, women can gain financial confidence and help to bridge the gender pay gap.

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