Wadi Degla Developments teams up with Subsbase, boosting real estate digitization.

January 23, 2024
1 min read


  • Wadi Degla Developments has formed a strategic partnership with Subsbase, a platform for managing recurring revenue and subscriptions, backed by Banque Misr.
  • The collaboration aims to integrate receivables transactions into Wadi Degla Developments’ systems and facilitate overseas recurring payments.
  • Subsbase will introduce real-time payments to the real estate developer, improving financial visibility, cash flow management, and customer relationships.

Egyptian real estate developer Wadi Degla Developments has partnered with Subsbase, a platform for managing recurring revenue and subscriptions, in a move to integrate receivables transactions into Wadi Degla Developments’ systems and facilitate overseas recurring payments. The collaboration aims to provide enhanced financial visibility, improved cash flow management, stronger customer relationships, and additional growth opportunities for Wadi Degla. The partnership will introduce real-time payments to the real estate developer, addressing challenges related to delayed payments and paper checks. The incorporation of Subsbase’s payment systems becomes crucial amid Egypt’s shift towards a cashless economy. The partnership will facilitate the management of recurring payments, automating billing processes and managing customer payments with precision, reducing business overhead and improving operational effectiveness.

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