XLMedia’s Finance Chief, Caroline Ackroyd, to Step Down

January 15, 2024
1 min read


Caroline Ackroyd, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of XLMedia, a London-listed digital media company, is set to step down from her position. Ackroyd will join a company in the gambling sector after leaving XLMedia, but will remain with the company until the end of March to ensure a smooth transition. The search for a replacement CFO will begin immediately.

Key Points:

  • Caroline Ackroyd, CFO of XLMedia, is resigning from her position to join a company in the gambling sector.
  • Ackroyd will remain with XLMedia until March 31 to ensure a smooth handover.
  • The search for a replacement CFO will begin immediately.
  • Shares of XLMedia were down 1.2% following the announcement.

Caroline Ackroyd, the Chief Financial Officer of XLMedia, has announced that she will be stepping down from her position. XLMedia is a London-listed digital media company. Ackroyd will be leaving XLMedia to join a company operating in the gambling sector. However, she will remain with XLMedia until March 31 to ensure an orderly handover process. The company has stated that the search for a replacement CFO will begin immediately, and shareholders will be updated on the progress when appropriate.

The news of Ackroyd’s departure has had a slight impact on XLMedia’s stock price. Shares were down 1.2% following the announcement.

Overall, this is a significant change for XLMedia as they will need to find a suitable replacement for their CFO. Ackroyd’s departure may also have an impact on the company’s financial strategies and operations. It will be interesting to see who XLMedia selects as their new CFO and how they will navigate this transition period.

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