Linklaters’ leveraged finance co-head moving to Gibson Dunn Law Firm.

February 28, 2024
1 min read

Article Summary


  • David Irvine, Linklaters’ co-head of leveraged finance, is set to leave the firm for US rival Gibson Dunn.
  • Demand for top legal talent in London remains high.

David Irvine, the co-head of leveraged finance at Linklaters, is expected to depart from the Magic Circle law firm to join Gibson Dunn in London. This move comes after Irvine spent more than three years at Linklaters. The departure of Irvine marks the latest senior exit from Linklaters to a US competitor, amidst the ongoing demand for top talent in the London legal market.

Full Article:

David Irvine, the co-head of leveraged finance at Linklaters, is set to leave the Magic Circle law firm to join US rival Gibson Dunn in London. Irvine’s departure is a significant loss for Linklaters, as he has been a key figure in the firm’s leveraged finance practice for over three years. This move is emblematic of the fierce competition for top legal talent in the London market.

The legal industry in London continues to be highly competitive, with law firms vying for experienced professionals to strengthen their teams. The departure of Irvine is another example of a senior executive making a move to a US competitor, highlighting the attractiveness of opportunities across the Atlantic.

Linklaters, along with other Magic Circle firms, has been facing increasing pressure to retain top talent as US firms aggressively recruit in the London market. The departure of Irvine to Gibson Dunn is a reflection of this ongoing trend. The demand for skilled lawyers with expertise in leveraged finance and other specialized areas remains high.

Overall, Irvine’s move to Gibson Dunn underscores the evolving dynamics of the legal industry in London and the broader trend of senior executives seeking new opportunities with US rivals. Linklaters will need to navigate this competitive landscape and continue to attract and retain top talent to maintain its position in the market.

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